Monday, March 26, 2012

Why Blacks are Unemployed in Higher Numbers

Employment data reflects that Blacks are currently more likely to be unemployed.
Some would assume this is due to racism, but for those who have had the pleasure of working alongside Blacks, we know better.  For those Americans who excel and happen to be Black, these points do not apply, but sadly we are rarely encountered.
I have decided to make my top 10 list of why Blacks are less likely to get jobs:
  1. After companies carry the burden of a lazy, incompetent employee for years, they will most likely sue for discrimination to add insult to injury.
  2. Most Blacks often use companies by working just long enough to be able to receive unemployment benefits, then slack off so they can be fired and collect money for free.
  3. Blacks who cling to Black "culture" have a feeble grasp of the English language and deplorable math skills which means someone else will have to essentially do their job properly for them.
  4. For most Blacks, work is difficult so they do not strive to go the extra mile to do a job well, they look only to doing it well enough to remain employed.
  5. Most Blacks are more interested in listening to music or talking on the phone or sending text messages than getting their jobs done.
  6. Generally, Black employees have poor attitudes and are not team players.
  7. Blacks who love Al Sharpton will become angry when confronted with their inadequacies and claim discrimination.
  8. Blacks from the "hood" cannot be trusted with corporate accounts or access to anything of value because they will likely steal from the company.
  9. Blacks who are accustomed to collecting welfare and unemployment do not understand punctuality let alone being 15-minutes early.
  10. Blacks from the "hood" create drama around everything and are unaccustomed to success, they will sabotage themselves and everything around them.
See if you can add a few to the list.

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