Thursday, April 26, 2012

Big Surprise Blacks Have Highest National Unemployment Rate in US

Blacks are quick to whine about their relatively high levels of unemployment in the United States:
What is intriguing is that for 2010 and 2011 Blacks have an employment to population ratio of roughly 52% versus 59% and 60% for Whites and Asians respectively.
Blacks have also had approximately double the unemployment rates versus Whites and Asians.  Why?
  1. Sense of entitlement (Blacks feel by having a job they are owed wages for just showing up)
  2. Incompetence (Blacks, keeping true to Black "culture", lack rudimentary skills which most non-Blacks both possess and employ)
  3. Poor attitude (Blacks are rude and complain regularly in response to the expectation of work)
  4. Laziness (You may say Cliche, but anyone who has employed Blacks subscribing to the Black "culture" knows Blacks will do just enough shoddy work to prevent themselves from being fired)
  5. Inconsistency (Some employees are pleasantly surprised by the front-end quality of work which mysteriously deteriorates upon completion of the probationary period)
  6. Liability (After infuriating employers with blatant disregard for work ethic and utter incompetence, Blacks will be likely to sue after being terminated citing racism)
Any questions?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Time's Up America!

Our great nation is currently in the grips of the enemy (Barak Obama and the Leftists).  The enemy is determined to remove all traces of the constitution and leave America weak and ripe for the taking.  The enemy is ready to steal everything we have worked so hard for.  Are we ready to defend our liberties and our nation against all  enemies foreign and domestic? This new regime gives the term Redcoats new and troubling meaning.  Will we defeat the redcoats again?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Why Racism Persists in America

Racism persists in America not because of outdated bigotry.  Racism persists because it is fuelled anew by the racist Black "culture"
When confronted with the unpatriotic, racist, self-pitying, self-righteous and downright unpleasant followers of Al Sharpton and the rest of the merry race-pimping hypocrites what does one expect but to be treated with disgust.
Because of the racist hypocrites in the Black "community", some patriotic Americans who happen to be Black may encounter prejudice, but it is usually short-lived because, ultimately Americans judge you on merit!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Wrong Answer Dr. Cosby!

I will be the first to give due credit to Dr. William Cosby (honorary doctorate in education) for calling out Blacks in America for the foolishness we all know as Black "culture". He has recently spoken out on the Trayvon Martin case, indicating that it was not an issue of race, but of gun-control.
Dr. Cosby has fallen into the liberal trap of blaming guns for crime.  Dr. Cosby if guns were to blame, they would have long broken out of the confines of the gun stores and killed us all in cold blood.  Obviously guns are not at fault! We must remain vigilant because careless comments like those of Dr. Cosby's only serve to further the cause of those who would deny the second amendment of the constitution and take us one step closer to being powerless victims like so may others world wide who had their gun rights stripped away.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Save America NOW!

During the 2008 Presidential campaign, biased media bent on sweeping a left wing extremist into the highest office in our great nation worked diligently to achieve their goal. Patriots around the country tried repeatedly to warn us all of what was to come.  They pointed to the troubling 'associates' of Barak Obama and were dismissed as racists.
Today we have our racists: Barak Obama, Michelle Obama, Eric Holder, the New Black Panther Party, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakahn, and those who relish the destruction of our way of life, pushing our nation closer to the hole which they climbed out of.  When someone asserts that Barak Obama hates America, this is not a delusion, it is a statement of fact.  Obama's most recent actions and inactions speak volumes of where his loyalties lie, and it is clear that his loyalties do not lie with the American people!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Obama's voting base looking for an excuse to riot!

I'm sure Obama's supporters based in FL are anxiously looking forward to the post George Zimmerman verdict riots. What to loot, what to loot?  Best Buy catalogs are flying off the shelves or are being stolen from mailboxes so Obama supporters will have their looting lists at the ready.  Doesn't matter what the Zimmerman verdict is! Even if Zimmerman is convicted, Obama supporters will say "he didn't get the death penalty, iPads for everybody!!!" and promptly do what comes so naturally to those who take and never make.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Obama + Eric Holder + New Black Panther Party = No justice for Zimmerman

Our President has condoned the unjust outcry for Zimmerman's arrest (let us not forget he was silent for the cries for violence against Zimmerman and the misguided tweets of the likes of Spike Lee).  Furthermore our first Black President looked on approvingly as the New Black Panther Party coerced the Department of Justice into bringing charges against George Zimmerman.
So now Barak Obama goes on the list of racist Blacks who insist on a double standard.
I never expected Obama to sink this low...

Post-Racial America

The election of President Obama was supposed to signal the post-racial America, but some Blacks still see the need to complain about racial inequality.  I ask those Blacks, "what would convince you?"
If Black astronauts, Black millionaires, Black athletes, Black Scholars and yes even a Black President of the United States (effectively the leader of the free world), doesn't convince you of equal opportunity to succeed in this nation, my guess is that you are simply looking for an excuse for your own lack of success.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Race Pimps

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakahn, and the list goes on.
You pathetic race-baiting narcissists labor only towards the destruction of this great nation!
You shame every decent American!

Blacks and Violent Crime in America

Funny how the Black "community" can quickly become outraged at what appears to be a racially motivated killing, but the same Black "community" is blind and mute with regards to Black-on-Black crime!
Blacks make up approximately 12.5% of the US population, but are responsible for nearly half of the U.S. Homicides (killing other Blacks)!

Monday, April 9, 2012

God Bless the Americans!!!

God Bless the Americans of every color who love this nation and do their part to keep this nation great.  I thank God for your perseverance in these frustrating times where so many seem allied towards effecting our demise.  People we have fed now turn and spit in our faces.  We can allow this no more.  We must take back our nation from those who would sell its greatness for profit or those who would see it crumble to satisfy their own animosity fueled by the shame of their own inadequacy.  WAKE UP AMERICA! IT IS NEARLY TOO LATE!

Civil Rights = Reversed Discrimination

Blacks in America who support the blatant reversed racism we are seeing today should be deported to Africa.  Send them to Liberia so they can see what the Black "community" can build.  Those Blacks that support reversed racism are  ignorant of the greatness of this nation, they are ungrateful for the countless blessings and the patience they have and continue to receive.  There are a growing number of American patriots who happen to Black. They are Americans.  Then there are the shameless, ignorant Black savages who happen to live in America, but who long to see the destruction of our great nation.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Congressional Black Causus = A Group of Racist Idiots!

The Congressional Black Caucus goes on my list of idiots! 
See the link:
The CBC (is it for Cry Baby Coons?) has decided to pass judgment on George Zimmerman, stating that his motives were racially based.
The CBC takes way too much satisfaction in coming to a mindless consensus which only serves to confirm that they are indeed made up of stupid racists! 
Enough of the race politics!  We have a Black President! Yes the "leader of the free world" is Black so who's being held back due to racism? Wake up CBC and realize that the racism you encounter is most often:
  1. Your own racism towards non-Blacks
  2. Your imagination, fueled by point 1 (above)
  3. Your fault! (Your crappy attitude, utter stupidity and unbridled racism are plenty of reason for someone to discriminate against you)  
Enough of the blaming, the race card, and the double standards! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Romney's VP Pick

I believe Mitt Romney could defeat Obama with the right running mate.
Some have suggested he team up with Rick Santorum, but I personally don't think he will gain as much as he needs with Santorum in the VP spot.  I love that Santorum is a conservative, in fact more so than Romney, but I believe we need someone a little stronger and more articulate than Santorum.  We also need someone who can deactivate any Obama "race-bombs" claiming that a vote for Romney is a racist vote.  Who would you like to see as Romney's VP Pick?  Complete the poll on the right.

Obama cries "Social Darwinism"

Obama does not want to keep America strong and great.  Strength and greatness are the kryptonite of those who count on the "entitlement class" for votes.  Obama's statement referring to Mitt Romney as a Social Darwinist only confirms what many conservatives have known all along.  Obama wants to destroy America by facilitating the growth of the entitlement class and penalizing the successful Americans.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Prediction: Blacks will Claim the "hoodie" as Black Culture

I predict that Blacks, motivated by the Trayvon Martin case will now insist that the hooded sweatshirt ("hoodie") is to forever be regarded as a tribute to Trayvon Martin and to stigmatized Blacks (and criminals) across the country. I predict there will be outrage when non-blacks are seen on television in hooded sweatshirts.  It sounds ludicrous doesn't it?

Monday, April 2, 2012

NBC's Ruthless Attempt at Higher Ratings Lands them in the Hot Seat

NBC producers recklessly edited the 911 call to distort the context and play right into the recent misguided fervor.
Now when conservative blogs asserted that the media was manipulating this situation, Liberals probably believed we conservatives were being unjust and borderline paranoid.
Well it seems that we conservatives were correct.  Curious how only conservative media is bringing this distortion of facts by a so-called news agency (NBC News) to light!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Putting it all into perspective..

Some may think that my words are a bit harsh as a criticize "my" own people, but someone has to do it!  Media won't allow it!  Political correctness (a la Orwellian thought police) has dire consequences for those non-Blacks who speak out.  Why is it so important to criticize the politics of race in this country?  It's important because I believe what was initiated with good intentions, was rapidly transformed into a tool for abuse.  We have lowered academic standards to accommodate the ill-prepared and the non-gifted.  We no longer applaud and reward intellectual excellence in this country because of fear we will offend those who cannot themselves excel.  The bar is systematically being lowered with the aim of transforming this great nation into a country filled with lazy, half-witted slobs.