Monday, March 26, 2012

What the Heck Should We Call Ourselves?

As an American who is of African descent, I admit to being at a loss for the most appropriate nomenclature for myself.  What we see as an archetype for African American's or Blacks on television doesn't often apply to myself, so I am doubly perplexed as I do not buy into the self-imposed stereotypes.  I call myself American.
Some blacks call one another "Nigga", which I'm certain would have made men like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X beam with pride! But today's Blacks don't give a damn about the sacrifices made by courageous men and women.  They just want to cry racism at every name that someone could call them.  Heck, if a "non-Black" person called a Black person "Black" with an unsettling tone, you'd hear about it on the evening news. There'd be marches and protests a plenty, since so many will take any opportunity to take a day off from work (for those who do work) to whine about a lack of "respect"
Why not just rid all paperwork of the Race boxes and let us all be judged on our merits, or lack thereof?  Race isn't about identity anymore it's about employing a political gimmick to guilt people into destroying this great nation.

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