Friday, March 23, 2012

Stipends for Stupidity

Why does a our great nation pay stipends to those who lack work ethic and are quite content to remain in an uneducated drug-induced stupor? Those of us who had to work ourselves through college appreciate the golden opportunities afforded the "entitlement class"
The lethargic recipients of the benefits of full tuition for school can't be bothered with self improvement or that God-awful thing called "work"
Why bother when you can be paid to literally sit at home, get high and make babies? Lots of babies, preferably of several sperm donors.
Some would suggest my words are cruel, but truth can be painfully liberating.  How much money is wasted on those who lack the initiative to take even the smallest step towards self-improvement and contributing to the kind society that has been footing the bill as long as they can remember?  I grew up in the ghetto, so it should be obvious that I did not come from affluence.  I recall how depressing the ghetto was, and how I didn't want to live the rest of my life in what makes the local zoo seem luxurious and tame.  I do not find myself particularly bright, nor would I contribute my changed fortunes primarily to luck.  "Work"
It's a beautiful word. Beautiful to those who can appreciate its divine impact on a life.  I was very lucky to be born in the United States, so that means that if I worked hard enough and gained useful skills, my fortunes could change.  When I sought my useful skills I was neither lusting blindly for profit, nor was I naively convinced a degree in the Liberal Arts would be of use to a poor Black kid.  I chose a field that allows me to build useful things that are of benefit to both society and my company whom supports those endeavors.
I do not admonish those who pursue financial reward, nor those who pursue Liberal Arts, but for those who see only profit, will you sell your nation to our enemies to make a buck?  For those in the Liberal Arts, first of all, please stop whining because you bring negligible value to a mainstream company (which is reflected in your absence of a job, or your very low paying job) and second of all Liberal Arts are reserved for the wealthy and their progeny, so if you were lower middle class or poor, um ya should have come across that in all the reading you had to do!  We all have the opportunity not only to succeed, but to fail.  My original calculations could have been off by graduation, or the market could have changed so dramatically that my skills been rendered obsolete. I would not have cried fowl.  I would not have demanded a job which I was "entitled" to.  I would have done what I could to contribute and learn new skills.  Not every endeavor for learning involves large sums of money.  This nation has libraries, and anyone with literacy and drive can do amazing things for the cost of bus fare.
Which lands us back in living room of the "entitled" who despite the plethora of opportunity around them, do little to nothing to advance themselves.  Why?  Laziness.  Myself a Black kid from the ghetto, I cannot rest on a genetic heritage from some Nordic tribe, so I must assume that I am made of the same genetic stuff as many of the "entitled", yet I choose to do my part.
Some might say, "What harm is there in taking care of those who clearly can't care for themselves?"  
The harm is that we are effectively providing the parasites a stipend to breed in vast numbers.  Now I'm sure Obama is pleased by this as they will go directly to his voting base, but for those of us who genuinely love this nation, who aren't ashamed of excellence and don't apologize for strength, this is unacceptable.
A responsible, hard-working American (the tax base of this mighty nation), typically has a very modest sized family.  I believe a median of 2.3 is likely generous nowadays, but it's a number we can work with.  How many babies are our "entitled" having? The simple answer is at least double!  What do you imagine a future America will be like with the majority of the population being burdens to be carried by the new minority, made up of the hard-working builders of this nation?  I'd wager there'd still be whining and moaning about what people feel entitled to.
Liberals love words like "sustainable"
How sustainable for this great nation is it that we reward the lazy and criminal and then burden the law-abiding and hard-working with the cost?  Surely I must be oversimplifying the situation! Am I really?  If you run out of hard-working "hosts" how tough will it be then for the parasites? I direct your attention to Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia).
What is hilarious, is that I recall reading letters in periodicals as an adolescent, sent in by White men usually.  They'd lay out a scenario which was quite transparent: A hard-working folk which breeds in modest numbers versus a lazy, criminal folk who breed in vastly superior numbers.  Like I said it was transparent, and I confess to feeling offended when I read it.  But you know what?  It's true!  Although, I believe it applies to a broader spectrum of people than the authors of the letters.  I would word it as a greater man than I put it, There's an "entitlement class" and a "producer class".  That is the new class warfare.
The "entitlement class" does not take responsibility, it merely passes blame.  They feel as though America owes them the American dream!  Why should they work for it? We've been subsidizing their folly for generations after all!
Wouldn't the money wasted on propping up the "walking dead" be better spent subsidizing a middle class family who has a mother taking maternity leave or even a work sabbatical to raise children, who will more likely grow up to be productive members of that tax base we have grown so dependent on? Or would you rather we pay Shaniqua to churn out a baby a year for 8 years and take care of here children in Foster care placements while she works on babies numbers 9 and 10?  Remember she had an early start! Shaniqua didn't hold off until after school and her career got settled and she met the right guy to marry and build a family (for contrast purposes).
What throws salt into the wound is that Shaniqua has NO REMORSE! don't pretend that any of the entitled class are remotely capable of remorse.  They are simply parasites I have called them.

They will drain the greatness of this nation and the hope and opportunity for all of the hard-working folk, Black, White, Latino, Asian, or Other!  

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