Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Symbolic "Hoodie"

If the standard issue ghetto garb wasn't stupid enough, we have people donning "hoodies" in a political statement in Washington DC.  For what else but the Trayvon Martin spectacle.  The liberals are simply lobbying for Black votes by playing along in this half witted fiasco which is the greatest blemish on the memory of young Trayvon Martin. 
There is no need to roll out his inarticulate parents to recite the rehearsed script feigning the role of attentive and caring parents. Obviously they smell money and have been advised by their counsel that they must make these appearances and project outrage, so that when the time comes for lawsuits they will get "what coming to them"
It's really quite convenient how much closer they have become to their son in recent weeks.
What has happened to this great nation, that the mentally inferior are allowed to occupy our every waking moment with their melodrama?
If a fraction of the energy wasted on this issue would have been used by the Black "community" to take an internal inventory and effect it's own changes in its neighborhoods without begging for attention, money and pity, this nation would be so much better off!

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