Friday, March 30, 2012

Did I call it or what?

The Martin's recent media appearances have been more about securing a big named lawyer so they can get paid!  Instead of using this opportunity to turn Blacks toward taking a good hard look at the stigmas and stereotypes they reinforce themselves, the choice has been to play to the lowest common denominator and try to make as much money as we can for what's his name!
You're son's name was Trayvon!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spike Lee and Criminal "Tweets"

I'm grateful that Spike Lee, the ignorant no-talent that he is was passing on an erroneous address when "tweeting" what he believed to be George Zimmerman's address.
What Spike Lee and whomever was involved did was not only irresponsible, it was criminal.  What if the address was legitimate and some Ebonics speaking cretin in a "hoodie" decided to go there and take revenge for Trayvon Martin?
What if someone other than George Zimmerman was victimized?  While our "hoodie" donned cretin would gain appreciable street credibility for his upcoming rap album, Zimmerman, innocent until proven guilty if he were even on trial would suffer at the behest of protesters who have worse language and arithmetic skills than the median 9 year-old.
Shall these fools continue driving this nation towards the cliff we're heading for?

The Symbolic "Hoodie"

If the standard issue ghetto garb wasn't stupid enough, we have people donning "hoodies" in a political statement in Washington DC.  For what else but the Trayvon Martin spectacle.  The liberals are simply lobbying for Black votes by playing along in this half witted fiasco which is the greatest blemish on the memory of young Trayvon Martin. 
There is no need to roll out his inarticulate parents to recite the rehearsed script feigning the role of attentive and caring parents. Obviously they smell money and have been advised by their counsel that they must make these appearances and project outrage, so that when the time comes for lawsuits they will get "what coming to them"
It's really quite convenient how much closer they have become to their son in recent weeks.
What has happened to this great nation, that the mentally inferior are allowed to occupy our every waking moment with their melodrama?
If a fraction of the energy wasted on this issue would have been used by the Black "community" to take an internal inventory and effect it's own changes in its neighborhoods without begging for attention, money and pity, this nation would be so much better off!

Deomcrats show-boating in Washington over Trayvon Martin

If I have to hear another pea-brained Democrat whine on about being "tired of seeing young Black boys dying!" Hey crybaby how about the fact that most Blacks are victimized by other Blacks?  Oh I know you want to blame White America for that too!
It astounds me that Blacks in this country recite the same tired old script about being wronged by somebody (usually Whites), without ever taking so much as a millisecond to glance in the mirror and see the responsible party for how they have landed themselves into most predicaments.
2-minutes of their self-indulgent, self-pitying sound bites and it is clear why more and more people come to despise Blacks in America.
And yet another testament to the sad state of affairs of our Black "community", is that you can't get a sound-bite in English.  It's enough to make you grind your teeth listening to these idiots speak "loud and proud" on the television or radio without having mastered some of the most rudimentary words and phrases.
Thank God someone wrote a script for the Martins family, and well rehearsed it was, but it could not hide the fact that they likely do not speak English daily.
Yes you can be certain that "Ebonics" is the language of choice in the Black "community", an invention which must be celebrated every February during Black history month, I'm sure.
Oh the many reasons I have disowned this bankrupt culture for the American culture.  I'm sure many Americans wonder to themselves when we will be rid of the nuisance and burden of the Black "culture" and focus on strengthening our nation as Americans, each doing their share.
I tell you I lay awake many a night pondering this very question.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Some Blogs I had to Re-Blog

I am truly humbled by the wonderful work being done by Conservative bloggers out there.  Please enjoy the preceding posts from Conservative Blogs Central and front lines.

Conservative Blogs Central: Newt Gingrich talks about Obama's Russian bend ove...

Conservative Blogs Central: Newt Gingrich talks about Obama's Russian bend ove...: Newt Gingrich talks to Sean Hannity about Obama's careless whispers and whether or not Newt will remain in the hunt for the GOP nod.

front lines: Obama, the Democrats, and The Society for the Pres...

front lines: Obama, the Democrats, and The Society for the Pres...: PJ Media - When Barack Obama asserted – in advance of a jury trial or grand jury investigation, let alone a completed police investigati...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Why Blacks are Unemployed in Higher Numbers

Employment data reflects that Blacks are currently more likely to be unemployed.
Some would assume this is due to racism, but for those who have had the pleasure of working alongside Blacks, we know better.  For those Americans who excel and happen to be Black, these points do not apply, but sadly we are rarely encountered.
I have decided to make my top 10 list of why Blacks are less likely to get jobs:
  1. After companies carry the burden of a lazy, incompetent employee for years, they will most likely sue for discrimination to add insult to injury.
  2. Most Blacks often use companies by working just long enough to be able to receive unemployment benefits, then slack off so they can be fired and collect money for free.
  3. Blacks who cling to Black "culture" have a feeble grasp of the English language and deplorable math skills which means someone else will have to essentially do their job properly for them.
  4. For most Blacks, work is difficult so they do not strive to go the extra mile to do a job well, they look only to doing it well enough to remain employed.
  5. Most Blacks are more interested in listening to music or talking on the phone or sending text messages than getting their jobs done.
  6. Generally, Black employees have poor attitudes and are not team players.
  7. Blacks who love Al Sharpton will become angry when confronted with their inadequacies and claim discrimination.
  8. Blacks from the "hood" cannot be trusted with corporate accounts or access to anything of value because they will likely steal from the company.
  9. Blacks who are accustomed to collecting welfare and unemployment do not understand punctuality let alone being 15-minutes early.
  10. Blacks from the "hood" create drama around everything and are unaccustomed to success, they will sabotage themselves and everything around them.
See if you can add a few to the list.

Why Blacks do Poorly in School...

We often hear about studies which tend to be no surprise to us, that Blacks do poorly in school.  Yes there are rare examples of a few that excel, but for the most part, Black students do not perform academically. Why is this?  Some will suggest funding is the key!  More money for the poor Black kids!  I grew up a poor Black kid in the ghetto and I can tell you, we had enough books, enough classrooms, enough food, enough money going to our schools.  What was lacking was self-discipline of children to sit down, shut up and pay attention to the teachers who were trying to undo all of the disadvantages the kids came in with. What was also lacking was any effort by parents to intellectually stimulate their children.  This is not because they were too poor, this was because they were too lazy, and too selfish. 
Blacks need to abandon this self-defeating culture of theirs (I say theirs, because it certainly isn't mine) and either stop making babies if they are not resolved to care properly for them or start taking responsibility for the children they have.

What the Heck Should We Call Ourselves?

As an American who is of African descent, I admit to being at a loss for the most appropriate nomenclature for myself.  What we see as an archetype for African American's or Blacks on television doesn't often apply to myself, so I am doubly perplexed as I do not buy into the self-imposed stereotypes.  I call myself American.
Some blacks call one another "Nigga", which I'm certain would have made men like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X beam with pride! But today's Blacks don't give a damn about the sacrifices made by courageous men and women.  They just want to cry racism at every name that someone could call them.  Heck, if a "non-Black" person called a Black person "Black" with an unsettling tone, you'd hear about it on the evening news. There'd be marches and protests a plenty, since so many will take any opportunity to take a day off from work (for those who do work) to whine about a lack of "respect"
Why not just rid all paperwork of the Race boxes and let us all be judged on our merits, or lack thereof?  Race isn't about identity anymore it's about employing a political gimmick to guilt people into destroying this great nation.

Reverand Al Sharpton, Setting Blacks Back Over 100 Years!

Reverend Al Sharpton has made himself a household name by his shameless vanity spouting the tired and irrelevant rhetoric of the "woeful Negro" whom is too pathetic to effect positive change in the world, but rather is content to cry out for attention at every opportunity!  Sharpton and the NAACP (which appears to stand for Negroes Are Always Craving Pity) play right into the Liberal hypocrisy which seeks "equality" for even the people they clearly deem as inherently inferior.
Why "African Americans" allow themselves to be viewed this way and associate with such bedfellows is beyond me.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Stipends for Stupidity

Why does a our great nation pay stipends to those who lack work ethic and are quite content to remain in an uneducated drug-induced stupor? Those of us who had to work ourselves through college appreciate the golden opportunities afforded the "entitlement class"
The lethargic recipients of the benefits of full tuition for school can't be bothered with self improvement or that God-awful thing called "work"
Why bother when you can be paid to literally sit at home, get high and make babies? Lots of babies, preferably of several sperm donors.
Some would suggest my words are cruel, but truth can be painfully liberating.  How much money is wasted on those who lack the initiative to take even the smallest step towards self-improvement and contributing to the kind society that has been footing the bill as long as they can remember?  I grew up in the ghetto, so it should be obvious that I did not come from affluence.  I recall how depressing the ghetto was, and how I didn't want to live the rest of my life in what makes the local zoo seem luxurious and tame.  I do not find myself particularly bright, nor would I contribute my changed fortunes primarily to luck.  "Work"
It's a beautiful word. Beautiful to those who can appreciate its divine impact on a life.  I was very lucky to be born in the United States, so that means that if I worked hard enough and gained useful skills, my fortunes could change.  When I sought my useful skills I was neither lusting blindly for profit, nor was I naively convinced a degree in the Liberal Arts would be of use to a poor Black kid.  I chose a field that allows me to build useful things that are of benefit to both society and my company whom supports those endeavors.
I do not admonish those who pursue financial reward, nor those who pursue Liberal Arts, but for those who see only profit, will you sell your nation to our enemies to make a buck?  For those in the Liberal Arts, first of all, please stop whining because you bring negligible value to a mainstream company (which is reflected in your absence of a job, or your very low paying job) and second of all Liberal Arts are reserved for the wealthy and their progeny, so if you were lower middle class or poor, um ya should have come across that in all the reading you had to do!  We all have the opportunity not only to succeed, but to fail.  My original calculations could have been off by graduation, or the market could have changed so dramatically that my skills been rendered obsolete. I would not have cried fowl.  I would not have demanded a job which I was "entitled" to.  I would have done what I could to contribute and learn new skills.  Not every endeavor for learning involves large sums of money.  This nation has libraries, and anyone with literacy and drive can do amazing things for the cost of bus fare.
Which lands us back in living room of the "entitled" who despite the plethora of opportunity around them, do little to nothing to advance themselves.  Why?  Laziness.  Myself a Black kid from the ghetto, I cannot rest on a genetic heritage from some Nordic tribe, so I must assume that I am made of the same genetic stuff as many of the "entitled", yet I choose to do my part.
Some might say, "What harm is there in taking care of those who clearly can't care for themselves?"  
The harm is that we are effectively providing the parasites a stipend to breed in vast numbers.  Now I'm sure Obama is pleased by this as they will go directly to his voting base, but for those of us who genuinely love this nation, who aren't ashamed of excellence and don't apologize for strength, this is unacceptable.
A responsible, hard-working American (the tax base of this mighty nation), typically has a very modest sized family.  I believe a median of 2.3 is likely generous nowadays, but it's a number we can work with.  How many babies are our "entitled" having? The simple answer is at least double!  What do you imagine a future America will be like with the majority of the population being burdens to be carried by the new minority, made up of the hard-working builders of this nation?  I'd wager there'd still be whining and moaning about what people feel entitled to.
Liberals love words like "sustainable"
How sustainable for this great nation is it that we reward the lazy and criminal and then burden the law-abiding and hard-working with the cost?  Surely I must be oversimplifying the situation! Am I really?  If you run out of hard-working "hosts" how tough will it be then for the parasites? I direct your attention to Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia).
What is hilarious, is that I recall reading letters in periodicals as an adolescent, sent in by White men usually.  They'd lay out a scenario which was quite transparent: A hard-working folk which breeds in modest numbers versus a lazy, criminal folk who breed in vastly superior numbers.  Like I said it was transparent, and I confess to feeling offended when I read it.  But you know what?  It's true!  Although, I believe it applies to a broader spectrum of people than the authors of the letters.  I would word it as a greater man than I put it, There's an "entitlement class" and a "producer class".  That is the new class warfare.
The "entitlement class" does not take responsibility, it merely passes blame.  They feel as though America owes them the American dream!  Why should they work for it? We've been subsidizing their folly for generations after all!
Wouldn't the money wasted on propping up the "walking dead" be better spent subsidizing a middle class family who has a mother taking maternity leave or even a work sabbatical to raise children, who will more likely grow up to be productive members of that tax base we have grown so dependent on? Or would you rather we pay Shaniqua to churn out a baby a year for 8 years and take care of here children in Foster care placements while she works on babies numbers 9 and 10?  Remember she had an early start! Shaniqua didn't hold off until after school and her career got settled and she met the right guy to marry and build a family (for contrast purposes).
What throws salt into the wound is that Shaniqua has NO REMORSE! don't pretend that any of the entitled class are remotely capable of remorse.  They are simply parasites I have called them.

They will drain the greatness of this nation and the hope and opportunity for all of the hard-working folk, Black, White, Latino, Asian, or Other!  

Section 8 - Bring the Ghetto to A Suburb Near You

Back in 1937, Congress passed the U.S. Housing Act (Section 8) which provided funds to develop public housing for low-income tenants.  As a child I recall seeing a lot of public housing as it was literally in my neighborhood.  Section 8, through amendments evolved into a voucher system where people of meager means can rent a property they would otherwise never be able to afford in a neighborhood full of hardworking folk who earned their way.  What happens is folk from the ghetto move to the suburbs without abandoning the "ghetto mentality"  What are the consequences of importing the "hood" to a neighborhood?
Let's start with the basics.  Too often, the recipients of the Section 8 goodwill don't feel obliged to contribute to the general upkeep of the property.  Oh, I can hear the whining excuses, now ..."but they don't know HOW! (whimper)" Last I checked, a post-graduate degree was not required to clean a domicile and it's surroundings.  Think of the sense of accomplishment and how it will positively impact your emotional health to take such a basic responsibility! 
"So their houses are dirty, lay off!" chimes in the Liberal content to see a daily reminder of his or her superiority to the downtrodden folk across the way.  If the putrid filth they feel content to exist in were somehow vacuum sealed, I'd say, "Live and let live", but you see it isn't a vacuum sealed "paradise" so when the pests (i.e. roaches, mice,... etc.) start breeding without hindrance at house number 227, we who have worked hard to afford our accommodations are forced to spend more of that hard-earned money to keep the Section 8's "party-guests" at bay!
Call me insensitive!  Are all Section 8's this way, certainly not, but a significantly large number of them are! Besides, friends, a single poorly run household can do wonders to drive a neighborhood's value down.
If a poorly kept domicile were all, perhaps I would not have ventured to type a word, but as many of us know it doesn't end there!
While the working folk go off to provide the tax base which carries the slovenly entitled type, the slovenly snack away in front of the television watching shows that compels the lowest common denominator in them all. What, pray tell, are their filthy and truant children doing? Well snacks are only for adults, you'll have to go out and shoplift your own! Do I go too far?  I tell you the truth, that I have seen it all with my own two eyes!  It was surreal to me, but this is not the exception I speak of. 
Back to our youngster/shoplifter aspiring to be a "respectable" felon.  Our youngster notices the other kids (who are at school working diligently so they can graduate, get jobs and finance more Section 8's and the like) have nice bikes and toys, some "foolishly" left out on the deck where "anybody" can take it.  The felon-to-be mocks the hardworking families made up of caring parents and diligent children.  So that night the felon-in-training picks up a few choice toys redeeming the five or ten-finger discount (thievery for the uninitiated).
I have seen it and experienced it first hand.  What's this, I'm an insensitive Conservative you say? I say no, I take pity on the imbecile child who steals and then has the audacity to ride around and play with in plain site (in seeing distance of the crime scene, nonetheless) the ill-gotten goods.
What sort of people are capable of this sort of civic disregard? Lazy, shiftless, parasites!  My words are harsh, yes, but no harsher than the conditions that decent people or subjected to as their neighborhood is transformed before their very eyes into the very ghetto our Section 8 recipient was so anxious to depart.
Recall, I too grew up in the ghetto, but I worked my way to suburbia.  Upon my earned arrival I was not greeted with spray painted racial epithets.  I mowed my lawn, kept my house clean and went to work like the rest (no trophy needed, it's what you just do!).  Funny how people who live like human beings are most often treated like human beings. 
So ends today's lesson on why handouts to the perpetually parasitic serves no purpose but to waste good resources on the no good.

Some Ugly Truths We Know But Rarely Speak...

It strikes me every time I have a genuine conversation with someone, whether it be a clerk at the local Lowe's or a colleague when traveling for business, that we all see the terrible wrong being done to this great nation while we remain imprisoned by the Orwellian thought-police realized today in what we call "Political Correctness."
Because of this irrational "thought-prison" the truth goes unspoken.  The truth is slandered as being "racist", "insensitive", "sexist", and the list goes on. If someone dares try to initiate a truthful dialogue, they are punished immediately!  I embrace the truth.  I do not fear it.  The truth has helped me to grow in mind, body and spirit.
I am an American, of African descent.  I am politically conservative, perhaps 5 steps to the Right of any of the current candidates running in the Presidential primaries.  I am conservative because I do not deny the truth.  I do not indulge myself in the daily hypocrisy so often displayed by the Liberals.
Liberals accept as fact the innate inferiority of minorities, and use their political strategy to compensate for this perceived inferiority. 
Conservatives don't accept excuses and do not believe in coddling lazy crybabies with the ever extended hands asking for more. 
For this the Liberals are perceived as the humane party, while the Conservatives are a harsh breed.
It is truly sad that so few minorities excel in this country, but what is even more tragic is why.  Few excel, because few aspire to break the cultural prison that is completely self-imposed by minorities and most evident with the Blacks in this country.
Everything from the way they speak, dress to the music they listen to is so strictly regimented. I say "they" because I frankly feel apart from those with this belief system.  The youth aspire to be either rappers, or athletes or inmates at a state penitentiary, or why not all of the above!  If they gather in numbers they bring only ill-will and savagery.  We see it on the news and read it in the papers and wonder to ourselves, "How has our nation come to this?"
It has come to this because of a choice.  The despicable element of the Black community (if you'll permit the oxymoron) chooses to be a discredit to all Americans.  They choose to inspire hatred from even those whose families fought alongside Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement in America.  They bite every hand that bothers to feed them, and have no remorse for betraying their country and every decent person who extended a hopeful hand in help.
Now if you tell them this, you are a villain! How dare you point out their glaring shortcomings?  "They are after all inferior", says the Liberal, feeling a proud contrast.
What is infuriating is that those of us who do right by our fellow citizen, who love our glorious nation and apply themselves for self-improvement that we may do good to both our neighbors and nation, are muted by the chorus of destruction.
We all have eyes to see, look! Look at Detroit, a beautiful metropolis raped, beaten and left for dead.  How many other cities and neighborhoods have lost their glory only to be replaced with the gloom of idle people concerning themselves only with tearing down, never taking a moment to build a single thing.
Step back and look objectively!  No excuses about mitigating socioeconomic  factors!  Poor excuses for people who were too lazy to be anything more than a constant burden!
Do I swell with pride? No!  I feel guilt and shame.  It's funny, because I know that some of my friends (who happen to be White) confide in me that they feel a guilt for our nation's racist past, but the fact that we can have such a conversation speaks volumes of the progress already made, but the modern day Black "community" has been left behind, dwelling on wrongs done to people long dead by people just as dead.
Is your self-pity so great that you must relive the pain, or do you use it as a crutch to explain away your lack of achievement? I think the latter more than the former.
Young Trayvon was shot to death in Florida.  I am heart-broken to see a life wasted. My prayers are with Trayvon's family.  I don't have access to the information the local law enforcement is investigating.  Neither do the countless people quick to cry-out in the streets "racism!"
So many people are ready to cry fowl at the first chance they get, but no one cries fowl at the self-induced suffering that cannot be blamed on some "White racist"
I guarantee the Black "community" will not take any responsibility for the stigma that follows nearly every Black male in this country and is most certainly applicable to those young Black males who dress in the urban uniform that looks as if it were issued.  The stigma is not the fault of anyone else but the Black "community"
If people dress like that everyday, and commit crimes in dress like that everyday, people will start to recognize a pattern! Yes, this will lead to profiling and the pre-judgment of individuals who conform to that archetype.  The simple answer is "don't dress like a hoodlum if you're not a hoodlum!", but I am sure that sounds too old fashioned, even if it is correct.
This brings me to the core of the truth about the Black "community": So-called Black "culture" is responsible for the continued decline and inertia we observe daily.
I grew up in the ghetto and applied myself in school, got a job, then a better job, and got out of the ghetto, because living in the ghetto is like living in a trash dumpster, and I believe that any sane person will apply themselves to remove themselves from the dumpster. 
I divorced myself from the Black "culture" because I saw it for what it was, destructive and self-defeating.
Some may disagree and say getting out of the ghetto is enough, to which I say, you're not out until your mind and body are out!  I encounter some who left the ghetto physically but never mentally.  We all have in Section 8 housing.  They move in and their kids start shoplifting at the grocery store!  Crime in general surprisingly goes up (who would of thunk it?). Then there are those who, with ghetto in-mind, infiltrate our workplaces or media. Some of us cringe when listening to National Public Radio's "token" who really struggles with the English language.  It's embarrassing!  Why is English like a second language to you?  Oh, Black "culture" has allowed generations to live in mental squalor speaking "Ebonics" Oh how proud you must be!  Do you put that on your resume?
Lest we forget the beloved N-word.  I can say it, or type it rather, but it will likely be edited.  The utterly idiotic embracing of "Nigger" or "Nigga" which implies that it would have even less sense than the former is in my opinion one more indicator of the uselessness of the so-called Black "culture"
Frankly, anyone who would allow themselves to be referred to as either of the terms without being offended, probably has no reason to be.  For those who have used up your scratch paper doodling images pertinent to your rap persona, it means you are as ignorant (this means absent of knowledge, not rude, though they do go hand in hand) as the term implies.
I have offered a lot of grievances.  Now some solutions.  To a young African American, I offer the following advice:
  1. Let Go of Black "Culture" (Don't Aspire to Go to Prison)
  2. Stop Blaming Everyone Else (Surprise! No One is Holding You Back!)
  3. Don't Ever Allow Al Sharpton to Speak on Your Behalf (Black "community")
  4. Apply Yourself Academically (Learn English at the very Least)
  5. Don't Let the Niggers/Niggas Hold You Back (Success Threatens Them)
  6. Build Something Dammit! (Don't Destroy, Create Something Useful and Tangible)
  7. Conduct Yourself Like a Human Being (Clean Up Your Mess, Help Others)
  8. Do Your Part! (Be an Asset to the American Community)
That wraps up my truth session for today.  I sincerely hope these words can have a positive impact on the nation I love.

The Truest Patriot