Friday, March 23, 2012

Section 8 - Bring the Ghetto to A Suburb Near You

Back in 1937, Congress passed the U.S. Housing Act (Section 8) which provided funds to develop public housing for low-income tenants.  As a child I recall seeing a lot of public housing as it was literally in my neighborhood.  Section 8, through amendments evolved into a voucher system where people of meager means can rent a property they would otherwise never be able to afford in a neighborhood full of hardworking folk who earned their way.  What happens is folk from the ghetto move to the suburbs without abandoning the "ghetto mentality"  What are the consequences of importing the "hood" to a neighborhood?
Let's start with the basics.  Too often, the recipients of the Section 8 goodwill don't feel obliged to contribute to the general upkeep of the property.  Oh, I can hear the whining excuses, now ..."but they don't know HOW! (whimper)" Last I checked, a post-graduate degree was not required to clean a domicile and it's surroundings.  Think of the sense of accomplishment and how it will positively impact your emotional health to take such a basic responsibility! 
"So their houses are dirty, lay off!" chimes in the Liberal content to see a daily reminder of his or her superiority to the downtrodden folk across the way.  If the putrid filth they feel content to exist in were somehow vacuum sealed, I'd say, "Live and let live", but you see it isn't a vacuum sealed "paradise" so when the pests (i.e. roaches, mice,... etc.) start breeding without hindrance at house number 227, we who have worked hard to afford our accommodations are forced to spend more of that hard-earned money to keep the Section 8's "party-guests" at bay!
Call me insensitive!  Are all Section 8's this way, certainly not, but a significantly large number of them are! Besides, friends, a single poorly run household can do wonders to drive a neighborhood's value down.
If a poorly kept domicile were all, perhaps I would not have ventured to type a word, but as many of us know it doesn't end there!
While the working folk go off to provide the tax base which carries the slovenly entitled type, the slovenly snack away in front of the television watching shows that compels the lowest common denominator in them all. What, pray tell, are their filthy and truant children doing? Well snacks are only for adults, you'll have to go out and shoplift your own! Do I go too far?  I tell you the truth, that I have seen it all with my own two eyes!  It was surreal to me, but this is not the exception I speak of. 
Back to our youngster/shoplifter aspiring to be a "respectable" felon.  Our youngster notices the other kids (who are at school working diligently so they can graduate, get jobs and finance more Section 8's and the like) have nice bikes and toys, some "foolishly" left out on the deck where "anybody" can take it.  The felon-to-be mocks the hardworking families made up of caring parents and diligent children.  So that night the felon-in-training picks up a few choice toys redeeming the five or ten-finger discount (thievery for the uninitiated).
I have seen it and experienced it first hand.  What's this, I'm an insensitive Conservative you say? I say no, I take pity on the imbecile child who steals and then has the audacity to ride around and play with in plain site (in seeing distance of the crime scene, nonetheless) the ill-gotten goods.
What sort of people are capable of this sort of civic disregard? Lazy, shiftless, parasites!  My words are harsh, yes, but no harsher than the conditions that decent people or subjected to as their neighborhood is transformed before their very eyes into the very ghetto our Section 8 recipient was so anxious to depart.
Recall, I too grew up in the ghetto, but I worked my way to suburbia.  Upon my earned arrival I was not greeted with spray painted racial epithets.  I mowed my lawn, kept my house clean and went to work like the rest (no trophy needed, it's what you just do!).  Funny how people who live like human beings are most often treated like human beings. 
So ends today's lesson on why handouts to the perpetually parasitic serves no purpose but to waste good resources on the no good.

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